Oct 22, 2010  I'm taking my first step to stop gambling. I know I can do it, I just, need to stay focused. Anyways - I have been gambling free for a solid 3 weeks (21 days) - I am happy about it, even though it is a daily struggle. I come to this post daily, sometimes 2-3x a day and if no new posts, I just go back and reread some prior posts. Quickly and easily block gambling websites and apps on all of your devices. Try Gamban for free for 14 days.

Oct 25, 2018  If you are wondering how to stop gambling addiction you have taken the first step on the road to recovery. Gambling is everywhere, it is on the internet, it is at every gas station, and it is on the roads at casinos and race tracks. A gambling addiction can be a hard habit for you to get rid of, but there are resources out there that focus. This section will give you some of the tools for quitting. Wanting to stop. Deciding to stop doing something you enjoy can be challenging, there may be times when it feels impossible but remember lots of people have quit gambling and we can help you. Do your best to stay away from gambling, the ideal outcome is that you stay away. Sep 30, 2013  Gambling gave me pleasure (or so I thought), and while I knew I needed to stop, part of me didn't want to let go of something I enjoyed. I've never been over-endowed with willpower, and I told myself it would be difficult to stop. That was until I read 'The Easy Way to Stop Gambling' by Allen Carr.

Hi all
I thought I would post a story on how I managed to stop gambling, after becoming addicted to it through fixed odds betting terminals (playing roulette)
My father was always into horse racing. So I tried it, but when these roulette machines came along, I became addicted
Being addicted means that I was betting for the rush. There is a saying that someone told me, the more you gamble the more you lose. Needless to say I lost thousands
It took over my life.
It became the first thing i thought of when I woke up and the last i thought of when i went to bed.
I could not walk past a bookies, without desperately wanting to go in. Looking back, how could something like this totally control my life.
How did I overcome it. I found a job, where there were no bookies in the local area. I was working in a business park. When I finished work, i had to go straight home. As painful as it was I put a gambling block on my laptop. I took courses in IT and made a determined effort to earn money through work.
I also used some nlp stuff, whenever I felt tempted to gamble, which when I was not working was about every 5 mins. Basically, you take that thought of gambling, put it into a fire that you imagine in your mind and burn it. It helped deal with the constant desire to gamble. I think it is called the swish pattern.Steps
I felt like a junkie coming off drugs, but eventually after a few months my desire to gamble became less and less.
About a year later I thought I could just look at horse racing. But once you are addicted to something, you are always addicted to it. The old desires came back. So I had to stopped looking at horse racing and guessing on which horse would win.
21 steps to stop gambling free download sitesNow as soon as I think about gambling, which is probably about twice a week, I dismiss it from my mind.
How has my life turn out? Well 4 years ago, I decided to only do things where everyone makes money, wanted to increase my income every year and I wanted to help people. Now I am nearly at the top of my profession and have a very good job.
The thing is if I can do it,so can you anyone.
What worked for me was,
getting a job
studying IT
avoiding the triggers that would tempt me to gamble

21 Steps To Stop Gambling Free Download Full

not making an excuse for gambling
using the swish pattern
dismissing thoughts about gambling immediately when they entered my mind
making a determined effort to improve myself

21 Steps To Stop Gambling Free Download Sites

Many websites now allow you to gamble online. People play poker, blackjack, spades and, even slot machine online. It usually starts out as a fun game, using play money. Oftentimes, when people are winning on a regular basis, they switch over to gambling online with their credit cards or bank account. This is where the gambling addiction can begin.

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Online gambling addictions can be harder to overcome than an addiction to gambling at casinos. Computers are readily available and gambling websites allow you to gamble with your credit cards and bank account information. Online gambling debts add up quickly before you even realize how much you spent. You can get help to stop gambling online, as doing it alone is next to impossible.

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The first step to overcoming any addiction is to admit you have a problem. Telling someone, like a family member or close friend, helps you to realize that the problem is real. This makes it more likely you will seek help, as your family and friends will probably encourage you to do so.

21 Steps To Stop Gambling Free Download Free

When gambling online with your credit card, you risk ruining your credit rating. This is because your online gambling debts will accumulate, pushing you over your credit limit. The balances may get so high that they become nearly impossible to repay. Cancel your credit cards so you aren't tempted to use them anymore.