AP Statistics
AP STATISTICS CASINO LAB: INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this lab is to allow you to explore the rules of probability in the setting of real-life games. You will get a chance to simulate playing several casino-type and other popular games of chance. Your task is to collect information/data about each game and answer the corresponding questions.
Ap Stat Frq Answers
The Casino Lab: station 1-craps 4. Suppose you roll a sum of 8 on the first roll. Find the probabilit that you subsequently win the game, given that you rolled an 8 to start with. 1/12 Josh Gilbert John lewis Game 1st roll roll win/lose 1 11 6 L 2 7 1 W 3 4 4 L 4 5 3 W 5 8 6 L 6. Full set of AP Stat Answer Keys on flash drive Only $119.95 (plus $6 shipping) BONUS! Order the flash drive and receive all 4 versions of the PERDI game for free (large & small formats as well as Test Your Strength: Stat). Friday- Rally for Relay-Wear your team shirt for Relay for Life- you matter and so do your contributions to the community at Relay. It is going to be a fun-filled night of inspiring stories, entertaining events, and much more, don't miss it! AP STATS Probability Unit Name Date Welcome to the AP Statistics Casino Lab! Casinos rely on the laws of probability to guarantee them profits on a daily basis. Some individuals will walk away very wealthy, while others will leave with nothing but memories. This lab is designed.