- Supports Winning Poker Network (Americas Cardroom, True Poker, and other skins). Holdem Indicator is the first online Poker Odds Calculator that supports this poker network. May 03, 2012 Holdem Indicator 2.3.3 released. Supports Cake Poker version 2.0 and skins. Patch for 888. Holdem Indicator is the first online Poker Calculator that supports.
- Our poker odds calculator allows you to simulate a poker game and see the likelihood that you’ll win your hand. It calculates the odds of every possible outcome in seconds, giving you an edge.
- Poker Hand Odds Calculator Download For Pc
- Free Poker Hand Calculator
- Poker Hand Odds Calculator Preflop
- Poker Odds Chart
- Poker Hand Odds Chart
Poker Odds Calculator Desktop Synopsis. Poker Odds Calculator is a freeware program from Poker Pro Labs for the Windows operating system. It is a stand-alone program that allows a user to input a Texas Hold'em hand and find out the odds of winning against a given number of opponents. Poker Odds Calculator. Have you ever been playing on your favorite online poker site and given (or even taken) a bad beat and wondered, 'What are the odds?' Well, our state-of-the-art Poker Odds Calculator will help you figure out just that. The Poker Odds Calculator will help you calculate your chances on a given hand, in any situation.
How Our Poker Calculator Online Works
First, a clarification: the top poker odds calculator won't work while you're in the middle of a hand (there's simply not enough time to enter all the details) but it's great if you're having a session going through old hands.
Poker Hand Odds Calculator Download For Pc
So, how does the OnlinePoker.com poker odds calculator work in reality
Well, it takes a few factors into consideration:
- We have 52 cards in the poker deck
- We know how many cards are left in the deck after cards have been dealt out
- We know the number of outs (cards left) that we need to make a winning hand
- We know what those outs are
Once we know all these factors, the online poker calculator works out whether you were in a winning position or not.
Free Poker Hand Calculator

Black and white picture of jack and jill. Using our online poker odds calculator is easy: select your chosen game (Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi-Lo, 7-Card Stud etc) and click on the cards on-screen to make your theoretical hand.
Once your hand is displayed, you can select your opponent's hand. Click on the 'Deal In' button to bring in another hand and select the cards on-screen to help form an opponent's hand.
Once you've finished, you can start selecting cards to be displayed as community cards. Select three to see what your odds would be on the flop, or add a Turn card to see what your odds would be after the Turn, and so on.
Once you have your board set up, click the 'Calculate Odds' button and your hands odds will be displayed on-screen. Now you can see whether you should have called that raise by your opponent or laid your hand down.
Poker Hand Odds Calculator Preflop
Poker Odds Chart
The FTR free Poker Hand Odds Calculator can quickly calculate the odds of winning a hand in various poker games, against multiple opponents, with various board cards (or none), and can even account for dead cards if specified. You can then paste the result into any poker forum! Try playing at PokerStars and using our PokerStars odds calculator while playing to see the odds!
First, select which forum output to use (FlopTurnRiver, TwoPlusTwo, HTML, etc.) Next, select which game. Currently the Poker Odds Calculator supports Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, 7 Card Stud, 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo, and Razz. Once you have the game selected, simply click on the cards above to add them to the player boxes. The tool defaults to two players, but you can easily add more from the drop down menu if necessary. Once you input the players’ cards and board cards (if any), press Submit. This will take you to the output page giving you Win, Lose, Tie Odds and even the EV of all hands! Press Select Output then copy and paste the result in your poker forum of choice! If you would like to change something in the hand press Back or Clear to start over.
Poker Hand Odds Chart
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